In slums, the school dropouts are a threat to children obviously this was an issue at ward 44, (Nanjanmpatty) too.  The children group members had identified the school drop number was more in their community.  So, the children group members had discussed to prevent any further dropouts would happen in their community.  They organised and conducted a campaign about “Back to school”. Through this campaign, they wanted to create the importance of education and how education changes the lives of children.  The campaign was conducted with coordination and guidance of childline, schoolteachers, CFCI team, community care members and children group members. The campaign was begun in the morning with a survey to identify the dropout children by visit every house in the community. At the end of the survey, eight children were identified. The team counselled the parents and children about the importance of education. The importance of education was also shared with the other children. As a result, all eight children identified from the community were re-enrolled.

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