Fr. M. Casimir Raj receives ‘Best Social Worker Award’

Award Photo

Fr. M. Casimir Raj receives ‘Best Social Worker Award’

Rev. Dr. Casimir Raj M. SDB, Director of DON BOSCO ANBU ILLAM, SALEM, was awarded the “Best Social Worker Award”  for the year 2023 by Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli – 620017. He was awarded in recognition of his passionate professional social work endeavours and his two-decades long illustrious and impactful services to the youth, especially those at risk, on the World Social Work Day Celebrations, held on March 21, 2023. This event was organised by the PG & Research Department of Social Work, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) in collaboration with Kauvery Hospital, Tiruchirappalli.

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