General Health Check-up and Awareness Camp in Veerapandi Village.


General Health Check-up and Awareness Camp in Veerapandi Village.

On August 31, 2024, DON BOSCO ANBU ILLAM, SALEM, proudly partnered with Desai Foundation Trust and SPS India Foundation to host a transformative General Health Check-up and Awareness Camp in Veerapandi village.

With the invaluable support of the dedicated medical team from S Priyam Hospital, we provided free health check-ups, including vital assessments like blood pressure and blood sugar tests. We are thrilled to share that over 155 individuals received health evaluations, essential medications, and vital health education!

Together, we diagnosed and managed various health conditions, empowering our community to take charge of their well-being. Let’s continue this vital work! Contact us today if you’d like to support our future initiatives or get involved!

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