Conference for Facilitators

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-06 at 12.16.30 PM

Conference for Facilitators

On September 6th, 2023, TNA hosted a conference for facilitators, which was attended by representatives from DonBosco Anbu Illam and Word NGO. The event was led by District Child Protection Officer Mr. Sathishkumar and Program Advisors Mr. Krishnamoorthy and Mr Balamurugan. During a special input session, Mrs. Priya, Assistant State Project Coordinator, presented on Constitutional Rights Education (CRE). The conference recognized the efforts of facilitators and field coordinators in improving the community. A total of 90 workers from DonBosco Anbu Illam received awards, and the staff who received them expressed their delight, with many stating that it was their first award and that they were proud to be involved in this project. The event concluded with an outstanding cultural performance presented by staff and volunteers.

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