Anti Drug Awareness for Adolocent boys


Anti Drug Awareness for Adolocent boys

Don Bosco Anbu Illam organized Anti Drug Awareness for Adolocent boys on 19.8.2023 at Vennandhur. Mr. Pranaraman, Founder Samayathil foundation and Mrs. Roja, Psychiatrist handled the session on “Say Yes to Life. No to Drugs”.
The drug awareness trainng session for students covered various types of addictions and drug usage, including various substances . The session emphasized the negative consequences of addiction on physical and mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Prevention strategies were discussed, highlighting the importance of making informed choices, seeking support, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Interactive activities and real-life examples were used to engage students and raise awareness about the potential risks associated with substance abuse. Appreciation certificates was provided to participants for taking oath against drug addiction. There were 71 Adolocent boys participated and benifited through this program.

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